
It's a New Year and time for a new Post!  My #OneWord for this year is.... BRAVE! I've been reading "Brave not Perfect" by Reshma Saujani and doing a book study with fellow admins in the state and country.  I've been learning a lot about myself and the goals I have to make me a better wife, mom, friend and leader.  In order for this to happen- I need to be BRAVE and put…

Teachers Deserve It!

A quick way to find out what you’re passionate about is when you take on a task you didn’t even know you wanted.  I have always believed that teachers and all educators DESERVE relevant professional development and learning. As educators we need to keep learning… we’re in the business of learning and we shouldn’t stop learning if we want to teach kids.  Education is always changing.One of the most frustrating things…

#OneWord 2018

I was very motivate to choose my #oneword this year as I read other posts and participated in the Principals In Action chat (#PIAChat).  I love the idea of one word to keep me focused throughout the year instead of a lofty resolution I probably won't be able to keep any way.  I am also looking forward to reading Jon Gordon's book "One Word that Will Change Your Life" which has…

Risky Business

This summer I joined the Principal Principles Leadership Group by Stephanie McConnell. I was excited to become part of this group to share ideas. I did not know that this would be the first step in growing what would become my PLN.  Through this group, I followed a recommendation (probably several endorsements) to read "Lead Like A Pirate" by Beth Houf and Shelley Burgess.  I was so eager to read the…