Hiring Rock Stars!

It’s hiring and/or interviewing season depending on which side of the table you’re sitting on this time of the year. Let’s look at this from a hiring lens.  I’ve learned so much more about hiring over the past few years compiling ideas from @Beth Houf, @Joe Sanfelipo and, @Jimmy Casas and more in my PLN. Hiring a new staff member should not be a daunting task or just something to cross…

Lead with Optimism

Most people say that I am happy and bubbly. The girl that always has a smile on her face.  I would say that I am an optimist, a glass is half full type of person.  Is your glass half full or half empty? I’m the one that will be glad we got rain- either because we needed it (currently in a drought in my area) or because a rainy day can…

Embrace Positivity

It’s OK to feel however you’re feeling- right now, in twenty minutes, an hour or tomorrow. We’re all experiencing a variety of feelings as we prepare to re-open school buildings. Whether you are an educator, parent, or even a bystander to education, we all have permission to feel. Many parents are anxious about whether or not to send their child to school or to college. College students are adults and can…

The New Normal

Lunch Distribution- Rain, Shine, Snow, or Cold I don’t know why they call it the “New Normal” because there is nothing normal about it.  It’s hard to believe it’s only been 4 days since school closed and I saw my students last.  I know as educators there have been times when we’ve thought “I wish I had a snow day, another day of vacation or a surprise day off” – well…